Coats 20 20 tire changer manual
Coats 20 20 tire changer manual

ELESS TUB MANUFACT U R TIRE N P D4 EA TR Max.L 0 TR A C T IO N M TE SID RE A ATU R PE M L9 A BC 03 6 Severe snow conditions PLIES 2XXXXX CO RD A Treadwear, traction and temperature grades ii D OA BS 00L 13 AL EW L2 S 2XXXXX CORD PLIE WEAR 22 EAD TR MA X. Tire Specifications Diagram Radial Rim diameter code Ratio of height to width (aspect ratio) RA AL DI DOT MA 3 5P SI MAX. KEEP these and other materials delivered with the unit in a binder near the machine for ease of reference by supervisors and operators. Safety Set-up Operation Maintenance Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions READ these instructions before placing unit in service. See RIM Safety page iv ÌOperating Instructions on page iv. ® 5030 A/E Rim Clamp® Tire Changer For servicing single piece automotive and most light truck tire/wheel assemblies.

Coats 20 20 tire changer manual