Attending FSi will encourage you to continue your flourishing journey-or begin one! With an all-new teacher track, teachers will have the opportunity to learn from a panel of dynamic keynote speakers and attend a variety of breakout sessions that address the constructs of: Questioning, Individualized Instruction, Insular Culture, Stress, and Responsiveness to Special Needs.

Learn from new Institute faculty speakers about wide-ranging topics related to the Flourishing Domains, including new constructs that have not been addressed before. This model should link leadership and faculty professional development accreditation, and every culture-driving component of a school. The Flourishing Schools Institute (FSi) brings ACSI school leaders and teachers together so they can collaborate and implement research-based principles. ACSI strives to lead, support, and serve Christian schools, and educators, by placing them on a path of growth and flourishing using the research-based Flourishing Schools Initiative. Join us for FSi Phoenix, November 7-9, 2023!